Chevaliers de Sangreal 2016


The one thing I can be certain of is this: I have faith.  As it says in the beginning of the video,


Acceptance of which we can imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove

I have faith that the good guys will win.  That those who seek to mold children into their playthings will pay for their sins.  That the Rodels and adults in Delaware who use children for power and greed will one day face a mighty reckoning of public shame.  That they will be cast out of power and will not be able to harm children again.  That those who have broken the law will face a jury.  I cannot prove any of this.  But I have faith.

The most powerful music is that which lifts you above yourself to something higher.  That takes you away from yourself and makes you see the world as it could be.  Something wonderful and glorious.  We are here such a short time.  Why do we waste it?  Why do some plot and scheme when they know one day they will not be here?  Does it help them to sleep better, during the long night, when no one can hide from their true face?

Tonight, before you go to sleep, go outside and look at the stars. Try to find your place among them. Think of those you have lost who carried the light for you so you could be here.  See who you carry the light for now. Are you doing it? Are you living up to the gifts that life gave you? Are you speaking for what is right even if you are afraid?  Even if it means others may shun you?  When you see the universe before you, feel blessed for what you have no matter what you think you may not have. You are alive. You are breathing. You have responsibility. You only get one lifetime to do what is right.

Poll: Which Education Budget Item Will Be Cut Or Reduced From The Delaware Budget?
