Delaware Senator Coons Letter Shows Desire To Continue AYP For USA Schools

Senator Chris Coons

Delaware Senator Chris Coons responded to a form I sent him regarding the ESEA reauthorization.  Yesterday, there was quite the hullaballoo about an amendment that would continue the Annual Yearly Progress for American schools which Coons fully supports.  In his letter, which I’m certain went to anyone who wrote to him about the reauthorization, clearly shows he wants what I view to be a destructive process for our students, educators and schools.

I worry about the influences around Senator Coons support for such an amendment.  I worry he is not utilizing all stakeholders surrounding this issue.  The corporate education reform movement is suffering from an infection which exposes the rot within, so they are getting very desperate.  We need our leaders to start to walk away from these disruptive agendas and get back to the heart of education: letting our teachers teach and letting our students learn.

US Senator Chris Coons
July 6, 2015
Mr. Kevin Ohlandt
9 Crosley Ct
Dover, DE 19904-1975
Dear Mr. Ohlandt:
Thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts regarding reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). I appreciate your taking the time to write. I strongly believe that the best ideas for improving our schools and ensuring our children can achieve their dreams come from those on the front lines of our education system: our teachers, parents, students, and community leaders and advocates.
I commend Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Murray of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee for crafting a bipartisan bill to reauthorize the ESEA. I am committed to working with my colleagues in both political parties to reauthorize the ESEA and support a high-quality education system for Delaware students and teachers. All children in America, no matter where they live or how they learn, deserve an education that allows them to reach their fullest potential. The Every Child Achieves Act and the 29 amendments adopted by the HELP Committee are a promising step towards this goal.
I am pleased that the Every Child Achieves Act provides much needed flexibility and resources to states, maintains dedicated federal investment to school districts that serve high concentrations of low-income students, and expands the criteria that states can use to evaluate school performance. I also commend the Committee’s bipartisan commitment to early education, innovation, STEM education, and reducing the use of excessive and unnecessary standardized tests. While the Every Child Achieves Act is an encouraging first step, there is still more work to be done. I am eager to work with my colleagues to find ways to strengthen this bill through an open amendment process in the Senate. For example, the bill should include stronger accountability provisions that ensure that schools that are persistently failing to demonstrate results for students are not only identified, but also required to take action to improve the outcomes for students and are given the resources they need to do so.
I am committed to ensuring that any legislation to reauthorize the ESEA reflects Delaware’s values and supports our state’s educators, students, and families. I always appreciate hearing from Delawareans about their education priorities and will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind should the Every Child Achieves Act come before the full Senate.
Again, thank you for contacting me. It is an honor to represent Delaware in the United States Senate, and I hope you will continue to keep me informed of the issues that matter to you. My website,, can provide additional details about my work in the Senate, including legislation and state projects.
Christopher A. Coons
United States Senator

4 thoughts on “Delaware Senator Coons Letter Shows Desire To Continue AYP For USA Schools

  1. He is template driven and not whole heartedly focused on improving education. I am still waiting for a leader to rise up and it is certainly not going to be Coons in this chapter of education. Wade could have won but Coons had more money bag friends.

    I am thankful that the majority of our bold and humbled State Representatives and State Senators know their constituents and respond for them re: HB50. They will be remembered in that chapter in a positive way and more likely to be re-elected. Parents and teachers are the real impact in the daily school life of a child and they agree.

    I am still wondering why Governor Markell would go on record on a Delaware PTA video, of all videos, and state that if he could wave a “magic wand”, he would like to see an increased participation of parent engagement and involvement in their child’s education. Did he not know we are and have been already engaged and involved? Who was he talking to, Planet Neptune?

    And the prize goes to….I am inserting here …”but I only want to see parent and teacher engagement and involvement if you agree with me, because I know better for your children.”

    That’s all for now. I will be back. My daughter has been asking for a Cinderella magic wand. I’ll let you know if we find a “real” one that includes “real magic”.


    1. Miss chatting with you Tara! I agree. We need leaders, not lobbyist followers. We still need all hands on deck to get Markell to sign HB50, otherwise we will go through another year of the same…


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