From The Vault: John Carney On Education

John Carney

In 2008, the Delaware State Education Association conducted a debate with the three gubernatorial candidates: Jack Markell, Mike Protack, and John Carney.  They filmed the entire event.  At the time, Carney was the Lieutenant Governor, Markell was the State Treasurer, and Protack was (and still is) a pilot.  Will Carney take the same stances he did in this debate?  We all know Markell didn’t.  A lot has changed in eight years…


2 thoughts on “From The Vault: John Carney On Education

  1. Oh no, not another democrat that makes bad decisions. Haven’t the people in Delaware suffered enough!
    Look at Carneys voting record in just the past 2 years:

    He Did Note vote on the Veterans Administration Accountability Act HR1994.

    Voted for (YEA):
    To Approve the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action…Relating to the Nuclear Program of Iran HR3461

    Voted against (NAY):
    Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act HR3457
    Women’s Public Health and Safety Act HR3495
    Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 HR3134
    Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act HR3504
    Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act HR3009
    Highway and Transportation Funding Act HR3038
    ProtectMedical Innovation Act HR166
    Intelligence Authorization Act HR251
    Department of Defense Appropriation Act of 2016 HR 2685

    Anyone can check Congressman Carneys voting record by searching the Congressional Record. These are Carneys latest “decisions”. It appears he’s recently not voted for any controversial bills probably because he wants the voters to see him as moderate. However, he’s done enough in the past two years for me not to vote for him as governor.
    I’m not supporting anyone that doesn’t support our military, medical advancement programs, women’s health programs, law enforcement or improve our infrastructures.


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