Parents Of Christina Blog Writer Passes Away, A Great Man

Delaware Bloggers

Harry Curriden passed away last Monday.  I never met the man in my life, but I was very sad about his death.  Why?  Because he helped his daughter to advocate for what she deserves, and he helped several other children through advocacy as well.  Any person who does that is a hero in my book.  The Delaware blogging world lost someone great, and I never knew him.  I have been to his family’s blog several times, Parents Of Christina.  In fact, I have it on my blog list on this site, and have since day one.  I fully intend to read all of his family’s writings, because you never know when you can learn from someone who helped blaze the paths for advocacy in Delaware.  His last post was on Father’s Day, a week ago.  What a fitting tribute for a man who was the very essence of the word father.  Harry was very invested in exposing things in our education world today, and I found this post from May 1st to be awesome!

I wanted to share a couple other links, to the Kavips and Children & Educators First blogs, where they knew him much better and gave great tributes to him:

Thank you Harry, for everything you did for so many children in our state.  I have already listened to Fireflies a few times today.  Rest in peace.