Was the Common Core Successful?


The simple answer is a big and fat resounding NO!!!!

Diane Ravitch's blog

It is probably far too soon to know whether the Common Core succeeded or failed, but the studies are beginning to appear.

The adoption of the Common Core standards was a central requirement of the Obama-Duncan Race to the Top program. States had to agree to adopt the Common Core if they wanted to be eligible to compete for $5 billion in federal funds. The Gates Foundation paid for the Common Core, from its writing to its implementation, at a cost estimated between hundreds of millions to $2 billion. (If anyone can determine how much money Bill Gates plowed into the CCSS, I will salute them on this blog). Arne Duncan could not pay for them because federal law bars any federal official from influencing curriculum or instruction. But Duncan did pay $360 million to pay for two testing consortia to develop new tests for the CCSS. PARCC and Smarter…

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One thought on “Was the Common Core Successful?

  1. My wife works in a daycare that provides after school homework help. She started coming home telling me stories about the trouble kids K-3 were having with their math homework. I took a look at the assignments. The authors were requiring these kids to come up with abstract rationales for their “math” behavior. These kids did not have the reading skills to read the assignment. They did not have the cognitive skills to think in the abstract. Curious, I read the CC standards for math. Sure enough, whoever wrote the CC math standards wrote as if they had no knowledge of brain development or Piaget. As a 35 year teaching veteran, I felt appalled by this utter lack of integrity in CC.


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