How Did DelawareCAN/Atnre Alleyne Get A “Public List” Of Private Emails?

Atnre Alleyne

Alleynegate continues!  Hours after it was discovered DelawareCAN’s Atnre Alleyne decided to spam Delaware teachers with his “I hate Mike Matthews” blog post, many are wondering how the not so illustrious corporate education reformer got ahold of so many teacher’s personal emails.  In a response to one teacher, Alleyne responded by saying this:

As a teacher, your name was on a public list we had on our system.

What kind of “system” runs a “public list” that includes teachers personal emails?  Where does a list like that even come from?  Yes, teachers with state email addresses received the “take a look at me now” email but teachers also got emails sent to their personal email.  Alleyne worked at the Delaware DOE.  Does he still have some type of system access? Is he friends with other former Delaware DOE employees that have administrative privileges at a Delaware charter school?  Is someone inside DSEA giving this information out to Alleyne?  If Alleyne can get this type of information, what does that mean for other organizations like Rodel?  Is it just teacher’s personal information or are their databases of student information as well?

Alleyne also said the following to the teacher:

I can also unsubscribe you from our list if preferred.

Nice you give teachers a choice there Atnre to unsubscribe for something they never subscribed for to begin with.  So unless a teacher makes a choice to take time out of their already busy days to unsubscribe from your junk, they could get more of your crappy blog posts?  I’m so sure it was an accident.  Especially with your “sorry about the email but check this out” line:

However, I think the information shared below is relevant for educators if you’re interested.

In other words, “I’m going to shove this crap so far down your throats you won’t be able to see your feet.  Please take my half-assed apology any way you want but read my blog post because I am fucking Atnre Alleyne, hear me roar!”

To my readers, sorry if I’m getting a little salty here but I really can’t stand this feckless turd.  And Atnre, if you want to write about my blog posts fifteen years from now, here’s a quote for you- “You’re an asshole!”

5 thoughts on “How Did DelawareCAN/Atnre Alleyne Get A “Public List” Of Private Emails?

  1. You know where I stand, but why can’t bloggers- especially education bloggers- refrain from obscenities?
    by the way, only DSEA would have had my personal email address. And that race was tight. Every ship has rats.


  2. I did not get this email. I have switched school districts. Maybe this list is an old list he downloaded, was sent, long ago. This guys past and present doesn’t seem to have changed much.


  3. Ha, I know “how”.

    At some point he was accessing entire state-wide list of names/addresses so he took a liberty of copying it and keeping it. Not sure laws would approve such, and I am also sure there are organizations that would be interested in learning exactly how many copies where made and kept for what purposes beyond the stated mission of the organization. While doing so may be benign in its own right, the risks of exposing such a list to other less forgiving groups of people may be too large to ignore, because sure it invites my next questions – what OTHER lists of government employees may have been made and kept in secret?


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