Cape Henlopen Unit Count Audit Shows Some Discrepancies

Cape Henlopen School District

While this was not a whole-scale investigation like some recent district or charter school audit reports, the Auditor of Account’s report on the Statewide Unit-Count Agreed Upon Procedure between the Cape Henlopen School District and the Delaware Department of Education did show some flaws in the system.  State Auditor Tom Wagner released the report today.

Out of the five schools that were selected for the audit, representing audits of 114 students, six students were included in the unit count that should not have been, two from Milton Elementary School and four from the Sussex Consortium.  As well, all five of the schools did not properly maintain their official Unit Count file as required by state law.  The Auditor has no capability or authority to mete out any consequences to the district.  But the report is sent to the Offices of the Governor, Attorney General, Controller General, and the Office of Management and Budget.

4 thoughts on “Cape Henlopen Unit Count Audit Shows Some Discrepancies

      1. Really, sounds like ALL school districts in DE are having a lot of issues with accountability. Although, I can’t say I put all that much trust in the State Auditor either. This just adds to the already saddening effects that are happening to the entire country. No one in a high priority position whether it be political or non-political can be trusted to serve the people and have the people’s best interest in mind. Their all about what they can get, and how to screw the people


  1. Accountability of education funding in Delaware does not exist. AOA does not verify expenditures are legal or verify funds are used for the purpose provided.


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