The Last Post of 2014 Will Be A Huge Part of 2015

Bullying Against Students With Disabilities

New Years Eve.  The transition from one year to the next.  Like I said a week ago, this blog will be changing gears soon, and it will be going against the grain.  Some things need to be talked about, and there needs to be an honest conversation about it.  It exists, and it is seldom talked about anymore with all the other talk in Delaware about priority schools and corporate education reform.  I understand teachers are pissed off, and I am to.  I can’t stand what has happened to education in the past ten years.  But one thing gets me angrier than anything, and that’s this:


This is an MRI scan from a boy with special needs.  He got hit in the head two days before Christmas on the last day of school.  This was his 8th physical assault this year.  That is 8 too many.  He got a concussion from the blow, and it’s considered moderate to severe.  He has had headaches and nightmares ever since.  He will be spending the month of January at home when the rest of his peers will be in school.  He will have homebound instruction with a tutor.

This child has an IEP, and he was approved for a one-on-one aide, but a permanent one has not been hired yet.  His IEP team was told on day one that he can say inappropriate things at times based on his disability, but it was his parents hope the social skills training in his IEP accommodations would help.  It would have helped this boy if that social skills training was given and not used as a punishment when he said something inappropriate to someone in his group.  Because of that, his social skills accommodation was taken away, and his parents weren’t even aware of this until weeks later.  He lost this accommodation for well over a month and much of the bullying and physical assaults against him took place during this time.

His school wants to say much of what is going on with him is behavior and not his neurobiological disability.  This has caused his parents to become very upset with the school on many occasions.  The boys parents feel they are not treated like peers, but as “guests” in this public school district.  The school has no problem in making my son take responsibility for his actions, but when it comes time for the school to do the same, things get very quiet.

There is so much more I can and may say about this boy.  His father understands the plight of teachers.  He understands the impact the Delaware DOE and Governor Markell, and all these bizarre shadow organizations have had on education.  He is against the current teacher effectiveness program.  He hates the priority school initiative.  But this father has to look out for the safety of his son, and when his son has to get an MRI because the doctor is worried about the results of an impact test from the concussion, this boy’s father has to start tackling the biggest problem in Delaware schools.  The problem that has been present for years in ALL Delaware schools.  The problem that all too often gets swept under the rug.  This boy has Tourette Syndrome, and he is my son.


9 thoughts on “The Last Post of 2014 Will Be A Huge Part of 2015

  1. In a school system gearing down to abuse 100% of its students with the Smarter Balanced Assessments ( it was rated such as child abuse by noted New York City psychologist), it would care little that one exceptional child would be abused 8 times… requiring a MRI on the 8th….

    For it to occur 8 times, it means despite all attempts at apologies, the school really doesn’t care…I have kids. If they get hurt again after one time, it is because I didn’t care. The times I do care, I make things happen so it doesn’t reoccur…

    Your school does not care…. There may be good reasons. Like Mark Murphy put a hit out on your kid. Can’t say… But for some reason, your school obviously does not care what happens to your child…

    What can be done? What is the school?. Who is the principal? Who is the Asst. Principal… Who is the person who should be intervening and preventing the culture of re-occurrence?..

    Publicize them.. Put up their pictures if you can… Just because they are worried about the Smarter Balanced Assessment, does not mean the general population is… Imaging if everywhere he went, grocery store, movie,, watering hole, people knew he was an abuser and he could hear them whispering behind his back?

    He would care… then. We who have the public’s full ear, have tools. Use them… As long whatever you say is true, there is absolutely nothing they can do, if and when we call them out in public for fostering their own culture of abuse… Kids don’t abuse unless encouraged by someone…

    Begin by a FOIA all emails between the head of the school and Mark Murphy..


  2. Kevin, this is terrible–I am so sorry your family is dealing with such abuse. Please let your friends and readers know, in the coming months, what kind of support we can help provide–advocacy, legal angles, etc. No child should suffer this, and certainly not at school.


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